Sunday, 14 August 2016

Staying is a magnificent garden is all you need for vacation

All of us look forward to go on a vacation and take as much as needed break. A very important part of the vacation is where you decide to choose your stay. Any place away from the concrete jungle seems quite pleasing. But one important aspect to be considered while choosing a hotel/villa should be about the availability of a garden, in which would make us feel close to the nature.

Most of the hotels and resorts nowadays boast of a beautiful landscape filled with gardens and parks. A room with a magnificent garden view is a perfect treat for a relaxing holiday. The lush greenery all around will immediately make you feel so fresh and full of energy. It detoxifies your body and cleanses your mind of all negative thoughts back home. The air is all pure and clear, which is great for our body who takes the torture of polluted air all the time. 
Most of the gardens have a stream, pond or a small waterfall. Watching the fishes swimming in the stream or dipping your feet in the cold water from the waterfall relaxes your muscles and soothes your senses. Many times, there are a variety of small animals and birds in the magnificent garden, which evokes your playful nature. You can feed them, run after them or just sit on the edge of the stream and observe the beauty.
The most relaxing part of being in a garden is taking a mat and lying down in the lush green, yellow shades of the trees and gazing at the clouds floating by. The children can have a lot of fun in the gardens, knowing that there is an ample space to run around, which they are otherwise deprived of in a city. They can also spend time on the swings, slides and other small rides in the garden. As for the adult who happens to be a fitness freak, gardens are the best option to sweat yourself out in the open air. Alternatively, simply walk barefoot in the garden and feel the soft, fresh grass under your feet while hearing the sweet chirping of so many different birds.
A garden is almost a crucial element to decide where you stay during travel, because sometimes what we need is not just a matter of a place to sleep but more about getting close to the nature. Make your vacation beautiful and healthy by always opting for a hotel with a magnificent garden to rejuvenate your soul and mind.

This article is posted at The Leaf Jimbaran Blog

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